How does billing work for CrummeyCake?

We allow our customers to try our site free of charge. A subscription is needed only to prepare a new Crummey letter. A separate subscription is required for each family.

My financial service provider offers Crummey Cake to me as part of their service. How do I have my account paid for by them?

Crummey Cake Corporate Sponsors include our service as a part of the other services they provide you. Ask your provider for their Sponsor Code and enter it when creating your subscription.

My financial service provider is a Crummey Cake affiliate and offers me a discount for the service. How do I access my discount?

Customers of Crummey Cake Corporate Affiliates qualify for a discounted annual subscription. Ask your provider for their Affiliate Code and enter it when creating your subscription.

I am a financial advisor, lawyer, accountant or insurance agent/broker. How do I see my clients' families on Crummey Cake?

At the top left of every screen is a family selector. Simply choose the family you would like to view. If you do not have access, request that the family administrator invite you to their family as an advisor.

I would like some of my family members or advisors to have access to my family on Crummey Cake but not be able to make changes. How do I do that?

Crummey Cake offers invited family members and advisors to be granted full admin rights or to be limited to view only status. Simply select the appropriate permission for each person under the Family or Advisors tab.

My children are beneficiaries of my trust but they are either too young or I do not want them to have access to my information on Crummey Cake. How do I set them up?

For these types of individuals, Crummey Cake categorizes them as "Non-Users". This allows these individuals to be referenced in the letters but not have access to the site. An email address is not required for Non-Users.

My children are minors. Can Crummey Cake send letters to their guardian?

Yes, we offer the ability to add guardians to your family and to specify your minor children as wards. Crummey Letters for trusts where the beneficiaries are wards will be sent to the guardian.

I use a professional trustee instead of a friend or family member. Can Crummey Cake accommodate this?

Yes, simply add the contact person at the professional trustee firm as an advisor and select "Entity" as the trustee type for your trust.

Can I use Crummey Cake to store copies of Crummey letters prepared prior to joining the service?

Yes, simply go to the documents page and upload a PDF copy of any letter.

Can I use Crummey Cake to store copies of my estate planning documents?

Yes, our documents page allows you to upload copies of your Will, Trust Agreement, Healthcare Directive, Power of Attorney or other document. For your added protection, please do not upload any personally identifiable information such as social security numbers or bank account numbers.